Saturday, August 25, 2007

JRock Band Vid - Mono

When I heard the Japanese rock group Mono (rhymes with Oh No) was in the process of touring the U.S., and that they'd be swinging by my area, I knew immediately that I wanted to go, but I didn't know what they sounded like. As happens so often, YouTube became an excellent resource as I found this video that I'm sharing today, featuring Mono playing live (& a brief interview).

I watched several other vids, and went on their MySpace as well to learn more about the band; however, this video served as such a great introduction, that I thought I should pass it onto you. Who knows? Maybe Mono is touring in your area. (Just check

Even if they're not, Mono is one of a number of groups which have albums selling in the U.S. online, and presumably in a few stores, for the traditional domestic prices we're used to, i.e., 10$/15$. So you can check them out there...

Of course, you may not know whether you like the music yet, so all chatting aside, and here's the video.

Artist: Mono
Song: Yearning

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